Hi, I Am Rahul Shambhavi Sinha
Thank you for taking out time to read this.
Since childhood, I have wished to do something creative but being born and brought up in a middle-class family had its limitation. But life changed when I shifted to Siliguri.
My career started, with me becoming a teacher. Since I was unclear about ‘the creative thing’ I accepted everything that came in front of me. I discontinued many ideas because I believe leaving things on time is extremely important to improve the future. With teaching, I began doing Web development and Software development. But I was having second thoughts about this for myself as well as for my staff members considering the market demand. With all these confusing thoughts, somewhere Photography was breathing inside me, which started with my childhood when I had the opportunity to click photographs of my uncle’s wedding. It was a simple point-and-shoot film camera but I did my best and my uncle praised me a lot. He appreciated my knowledge of framing subjects and his words were etched in my memory forever.